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Parents' workshop: Accompanying expectant older siblings

Par­ents' work­shop: Ac­com­pany­ing ex­pec­tant ol­der si­blings

Friday, 14. June 2024

Familienzentrum Bern, Bern

  • Exhibition

A course for parents who want to support their child in becoming a sibling

Congratulations – your family is expanding. The arrival of the new baby is just as exciting for your child as it is for you. In addition to the pure joy, there may also be a bit of uncertainty. Sometimes small children find it difficult to cope with change or to classify their own feelings. For some children, joy and curiosity predominate while others react angry, sad or disinterested.

What does the baby do all day?
How does it come out of the gut?
How can the toddler help with baby care?
What preparations can be made to start family life with babies and toddlers as harmoniously as possible after the birth?
In the workshop we discuss pregnancy, birth and the first time afterwards. How can the questions of the soon-to-be older siblings be answered in a child-friendly way?

Using simple tools and tips, I will show you how you as parents can accompany and support your child on the “big sister/big brother adventure” and arouse anticipation for the new baby. At the end there is time for your individual questions about sleeping, breastfeeding and becoming a family.

Your child can be looked after by our children's room team during the course, please let us know if you would like this.

Registration is necessary to participate.


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.
