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Parent-child café in the family center

Par­ent-child ca­fé in the fa­mi­ly cen­ter

Thursday, 23. May 2024

Familienzentrum Bern, Bern

For parents with babies, children and toddlers. A great place to exchange ideas, possibly make new friends and realize that you are not alone and that many people feel exactly the same as you.

Various play oases are available for the children. The children are allowed to go on a journey of discovery while the parents have the opportunity
get to know each other and exchange ideas.

If you have specific questions, parents can go to the mothers and fathers consultation, which is at our family center all morning, and take advantage of their advice.

You don't have to register, just come along at the dates where you can, we look forward to seeing you and your children.


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.


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