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TOGETHER – ?????

TO­GE­THER – ?????

Sunday, 16. June 2024

Paul Sacher Saal, Basel

The Singfrauen Winterthur and singers from Perespiv, a Ukrainian choir project in Switzerland, are fulfilling their wish for a musical exchange. The Ukrainian women get to know Swiss folk songs and the natural yodel, and the Swiss women sing Ukrainian folk songs from various regions of Ukraine with Perespiv. We were able to secure the Ukrainian singer Mariana Sadovksa (Cologne/Lviv) as a special guest and workshop leader. She is a specialist in authentic Ukrainian singing and will not only rehearse Ukrainian folk songs with the approximately 70 women, but will also be part of the concerts. Through the collaboration with Mariana, many Ukrainian women will also get to know the authentic songs of their homeland. Singing together, sharing and rehearsing songs together is an important part of the project. We are interested in a concrete musical exchange and singing encounters. Perespiv Ukrainian choir project in Switzerland
The Ukrainian choir project "Perespiv", launched in November 2022 by the singer and conductor Zoryana Mazko, aims to introduce Ukrainian music not only to Ukrainians, but also to Swiss people. The Perespiv choirs sing Ukrainian music literature from different eras and styles. Everyone is invited to sing along, not only Ukrainians, adults and children of all nations and denominations who are interested in Ukrainian culture, Ukrainian singing and Ukrainian music. The choir sees itself as an integration project for Ukrainians and nations living in Switzerland, to get to know each other better through music and to experience the diversity of Ukrainian culture together from the Carpathians to the Donbass and from Odessa to Chernihiv. Since 2022, over ten Perespiv choirs have been established throughout Switzerland.
Singfrauen Winterthur (Franziska Welti, director)
The Singfrauen Winterthur, founded in 1998 by the singer Franziska Welti, sing in the water (underwater opera), in the darkest night (Lichttage Winterthur) and in the snowy Caucasus (Georgia). They sing songs from the edges of Europe, medieval madrigals or Mendelssohn's Midsummer Night's Dream with the Musikkollegium Winterthur. But their diverse repertoire also includes various world premieres (Regina Irman, Andreas Stahel), Christmas carols in retirement homes or a women-specific program on Radio DRS's theme day. The Singfrauen have performed in many places abroad, as well as at the Winterthur Music Festival, the Klangfestival Toggenburg, the Festival Innovantiqua and the International Music Festival Alpentöne in Altdorf. The fifty singers are happy to realize joint projects with other choirs such as the Singfrauen Berlin, the Orpheus Ensemble from Lviv (Ukraine) or with Tutarchela from Georgia.
In the movie Fliegende Fische (2010) by Güzin Kar, the Singfrauen took on the role of the village choir. In 2018 they celebrated their 20th anniversary with the major production UNTERWEGS in the Theater Winterthur together with the Albin Brun Quartet. In 2019 they were awarded the Choir Prize of the Lamprecht-Steiger Foundation, and in 2023 a much-acclaimed interdisciplinary production was created in the Kunstmuseum Reinhart am Stadtgarten to mark their 25th anniversary: GANZ OHR, a musical walk with reference to the works of art there. In February 2024, the Singfrauen Winterthur won first prize in the women's choir category at the Swiss Choir Competition with 23 out of a maximum of 25 points and the Gold with distinction rating. In collaboration with Zytglogge-Verlag, five CDs with different musical focuses have now been released.

Free entry - collection The profits from the concerts go to the Pro Ukraïna association. We would be delighted to receive your generous donation.

For more information, see:

Mariana Sadovska


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