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Opulence & Opera Stages with Bernhard Vogelsanger and Madame Tricot

Opu­lence & Ope­ra Sta­ges with Bern­hard Vo­gel­s­an­ger and Ma­da­me Tri­cot

Saturday, 25. May 2024

Musée Visionnaire, Zürich

Once upon a time (not so long ago), there were two opera houses in Zurich: the large one on Sechseläutenplatz, venerable and world-famous; and the slightly smaller, somewhat hidden one, in a three-room apartment in the middle of Schwamendingen. Bernhard Vogelsanger - a decorator by trade - had started at the age of 25 or 30 to create small cardboard figures and stage sets out of shoe boxes and to bring the big productions from District 1 to his former childhood bedroom in District 12 - including theater seating and an orchestra that played from a gramophone. Five years ago, as part of the exhibition Papagena and other weird birds, we showed the miniatures of the self-proclaimed "impressario of the Schwamendingen Opera"; now his stage sets are returning to the Musée. Because - some may have already guessed: the protagonist of the anniversary window in May is none other than Bernhard Vogelsanger.But that's not all: on Saturday, May 25th, we will delve even deeper into the fascinating world of the city's original. In the exhibition hall, we will show the SRF documentary "Bernardo's Gran Teatro" on the big screen, while the audience can watch and eat their fill of the opulent buffet by Madame Tricot - which was also part of the 2019 exhibition. In addition to knitted cakes and canapés, there will also be the odd snack that you can actually bite into.Saturday, May 25th, 6-8 p.m., CHF 30/person (members CHF 20) - aperitif & wine included.Registration at


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