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Tuesday, 21. May 2024

  • Sounds

Discover the fascinating world of the horn.

«Intestines» - an apt name for the horn with its multitude of roots, branched tubes and connections. The name is even more apt because Manuel Zwerger dedicated this composition with the same title to Samuel Stoll. It is a piece in which the instrument is prepared - or as he calls it - for a «hyper-prepared» Horn.

Experience a completely different facet of the horn with Franz Schubert's six little songs for horn and piano, arranged by Francois Gallay, one of the most virtuosic horn players of the 19th century. The pieces «Ave Maria» and «Trout» Among other things, they are played on the natural horn - simple, pure and direct. You don't need a tube or a mouthpiece anymore - to make the music sound.

At the same time, travel back to the century before last with Robert Schumann's «Adagio» and «Allegro» for valve horn and piano, even premiered by Clara Schumann. Accompanied by the fabulous pianist Alina Derkach, you will experience the beauty and power of this music.
Hanna Hartmann's «Methuselah» takes you into soundscapes that are reminiscent of the jungle of Costa Rica. During «driven hunt» drives the horn to an energetic climax. The horn player is driven to the bitter end - a driven hunt - full of intensity and drama.
Experience an evening full of variety with music from the Romantic period as well as the latest and most exciting works for horn solo. Immerse yourself in a world full of emotions and captivating sounds.
Piano: Alina Derkach
Hyperprepared, natural and valve horn: Samuel Stoll


Manuel Zwerger: Intestines for hyperprepared horn

Franz Schubert arr. Gallay: Six songs for natural horn and piano

Hanna Hartman: Metusalem for horn solo with tape

Robert Schumann: Adagio and Allegro for valve horn and piano

Jannig Giger/Samuel Stoll: Driven Hunt for horn solo and orchestral tape


Information about the event

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