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Indian Dance Baithak

In­dian Dance Baithak

Thursday, 9. May 2024

Baithak de danse indienne - Studio de danse de Marina Grandjean, Corcelles

  • Club

Explore the world of Indian dance during Baithak, a demonstration organized by Sharmila Sharma, Annjali Shah and their students. Come to Marina Grandjean’s dance studio, located in the charming village of Corcelles (NE)!

Let's travel back in time to rediscover the customs of the maharajas and nawabs, who once held baithak - Indian dance presentations - in the sumptuous salons of their palaces to entertain the royal court.

Today, we are reinventing this ancient tradition in a modern context, without the help of a maharaja or nawab. Instead of the splendor of a palace, we invite you to join Marina Grandjean's charming dance studio from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in Corcelles. Come admire the magic of the shimmering costumes, let yourself be carried away by the captivating music, appreciate the subtleties of expressions and feminine grace, and let yourself be carried away by the catchy rhythms that will transport you to India!

Sharmila Sharma, Annjali Shah and their students will introduce you to a variety of Indian dance styles at this event.


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