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cozy on the road – crime hike with Sandra Hughes and Joachim B. Schmidt

co­zy on the road – cri­me hi­ke with San­dra Hug­hes and Joa­chim B. Schmidt

Wednesday, 28. August 2024

Ref. Kirchgemeindehaus, Winterthur

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For us, Ticino and Iceland are popular holiday destinations. Both are magnets for tourists, but of course they are also places for mysterious crimes. Sandra Hughes (Room 307, Ticino Retribution) has already published her fourth Ticino crime novel. She has her charming detective duo, the German-Swiss Emma Tschopp and the Ticino Marco Bianchi, solve cases in a former pasta factory, in the Valle di Muggio or on Lake Lugano. And in doing so, she brings us not only exciting cases, but also a lot of Ticino warmth. In cold Iceland, the no less charming title character Kalmann investigates on his own. Joachim B. Schmidt's (Kalmann, Tell) second crime novel Kalmann and the Sleeping Mountain tells a funny story about the self-proclaimed sheriff of Raufarhöfn and a trip to America. This ends abruptly with a small incident on a "family trip" to Washington D.C. Kalmann then returns to Iceland, where the death of his grandfather suddenly seems mysterious. Of course he has to investigate. We go on an exciting walk with the two authors into the darkening night, accompanied by music from the Swiss jazz musician and trombonist Florian Weiss. All visitors receive headphones with individually adjustable volume.


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